A-Rod = ステロイド
Sources tell SI Alex Rodriguez tested positive for steroids in 2003
03年といえばA-Rodがホームラン王とAL MVPを受賞した年。うーむ、そういうことだったのか(≧ε≦)
Because more than 5% of big leaguers had tested positive in 2003, baseball instituted a mandatory random-testing program, with penalties, in '04. According to the 2007 Mitchell Report on steroid use in baseball, in September 2004, Gene Orza, the chief operating officer of the players' union, violated an agreement with MLB by tipping off a player (not named in the report) about an upcoming, supposedly unannounced drug test. Three major league players who spoke to SI said that Rodriguez was also tipped by Orza in early September 2004 that he would be tested later that month. Rodriguez declined to respond on Thursday when asked about the warning Orza provided him.
ランダムにテストをするようにしたのだが、Mitchell Reportによると組合の委員長、Gene Orzaはテストをするからな、と事前に選手にしらせていたとの記事もあります。。。。これまたショッキング。どいつもこいつも・・・
07年12月のインタビュー(Mitchell Reportが公表された3日後)。
Jose Canseco: A-Rod got off hook
Canseco, who was one of the players named by Sen. George Mitchell in the report, told the Fox Business Channel he was surprised not to see A-Rod's name in the report.
"All I can say is the Mitchell Report is incomplete," Canseco said. "I could not believe that (Rodriguez's) name was not in the report."
「Mitchell Reportは完璧じゃないな。A-Rodの名前がレポートになかったなんて信じられないよ。」